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Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Ginen I mås takhalom gi kurason mami! Malago’ yu’ na para bai hu sangani hamyo dångkolo na Si Yu’os Ma’åse’. In guaiya hamyo todus! (or, if you're not one of the 66,000 people in the world to speak Chamorro, it means "from DEEP within our HEARTS, we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU and we LOVE ALL of YOU"!)

One year as a small business doing pop-up shops isn’t an easy task, nor is it a lucrative one, but it has been an amazing one.

When I started CLN, as hard as it might be to believe, money was never the motive. A year later it still isn't. That was, and is, always going to be beaten by my PASSION for CULTURE and BUILDING COMMUNITIES. It's those things that motivated us when we started and still keeps us going one year later.

We look back over the last 12 months with a huge sense of pride at what we've managed to achieve. Some of the highlights include our collaboration with Tommy's Pizza Shoppe in August 2018 which saw our first limited edition run sell-out on the night. If you missed it, you can read more about it by clicking here.

Being able to tell our story consistently through-pop up shops has been a blessing for us and being able to vibe and meet with you guys who make CLN what it is is truly a gift. For those of you who didn’t get a chance to celebrate with us, please be sure to keep rockin’ with us! We have more events comin up! BIBA CLN!

If you've been one of the lucky ones to have dropped in at any of our events over the past 12 months, take a look at the photos below and reminisce about the vibes! We'll be back soon with more, but until then, Si Yu'os Ma'åse' and Salamat!

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